How slick and weasel-Like is Self-Pride

“But O how slick and weasel-like is self-pride! Our learnedness creeps into our sermons with a clever quotation which adds nothing to God’s glory, but a bit to our own…

…But humility rests upon a holy blindedness, like the blindness of him who looks steadily into the sun. For wherever he turns his eyes on earth, there he sees only the sun.” (Thomas R. Kelly, A Testament of Devotion, 39.)

Church library

Ron is a very active librarian. He sends out a monthly list of new books (with short summaries) to the congregation (250 members), he contacts individual members of the congregation when a new book arrives that falls within their area of interest, encourages his pastor to mention new books from the pulpit, and produces a daily e-mail list of links related to new books, author interviews, and reviews. The Community Bible Chapel is used extensively by church members, community members, local clergy, and seminary students from nearby Dallas Theological Seminary. Ron’s diligent work has cultivated a spirit of reading, conversation and a Christian life of the mind in his church and in the wider community.
— John Fea